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Why you shouldn’t make your bed – According to science

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Growing up, I had to make my bed before school and hated it. I couldn’t see the point of it either and always had some excuse why I didn’t have time to do it. Chances are, just like me, you got into trouble for not making your bed while you still lived with your parents. According to science though, not making your bed is better for your health. So I think our parents owe us an apology!

Dust mites explained

dust mite in bedFirst, I need to introduce you to the millions of tiny Dermatophagoides (the scientific name for dust mites) that live in your mattress. Yes, that’s right – they share your mattress with you! There are many precautions you can take to keep them at bay, but ultimately, they will always be there.

When we sleep we shed dead skin cells and produce sweat. Dust mites can only survive by feeding on these dead skin cells and absorbing moisture from their surroundings. While feasting on our dead skin cells these little creatures leave behind excretions which are the actual cause of asthma or allergy-type symptoms in many people. So, if you are constantly suffering from allergy or asthma symptoms, especially at night, it might be your mattress, or should I rather say, what’s living in your mattress?

Science explains why not making your bed is better for your health

messy bedBy making your bed in the morning, you are basically tucking in millions of dust mites, giving them the perfect, cosy environment to eat, poop (yes poop!), and breed. Tucked under all your sheets, blankets, and duvet, they are kept safe from the sun and fresh air, which, if exposed on a regular basis, could cause them to dehydrate and ultimately die, making your bed just a little less gross.

What else you can do to keep your mattress clean and hygienic

We advise all our customers to invest in a mattress protector, as they limit the amount of dead skin cells, sweat, etc. which are absorbed by your mattress. In our blog post, 4 benefits of using a mattress protector, we elaborate more on this subject.

It is also important to wash your sheets at least every 2 weeks and to spring clean your mattress roughly every 6 months. Spring cleaning your mattress helps to get rid of dead dust mites, bacteria, sweat, odors, and whatever else is absorbed in your mattress. To find out more on how to keep your mattress clean and more hygienic, you can pop on over to our blog post with tips and instructions


Basically, you have two options to consider: stick to your tidy nature, make your bed and live with millions of creatures feasting on your dead skin cells OR deal with an unmade bed and get rid of as many of these little critters as you can, live with fewer allergy symptoms and sleep better at night. The choice is yours!

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